Company description:
Tasks & Responsibilities:
During the traineeship you are full member of our Marketing & Sales team. The focus of the Company is Marketing & Sales of In-vitro-diagnostics. Your tasks are: capturing new customers, trying to gain customer loyalty, telephone-marketing, market analyses,
competition strategies, preparing of advertising material, usage of customer-relationshipmanagement (CRM) Software and preparing the access to new country-markets.
You should have experience with MS Office products, Internet and e-mail. Additional good knowledge in English is a premise. The knowledge of German is not required, but it will also be taken into account.
6 months
400 Euro per month + 200 Euro objectives
(We help our interns to get the grant Leonardo da Vinci or Erasmus Practice)
Este estágio pode ser inserido no âmbito do programa Erasmus.
Os Interessados devem contactar o coordenador Erasmus para o curso de marketing.
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